General & Structure

Graduates in International Management are particularly challenged to be able to fulfil a wide variety of tasks. In addition to having the ability to successfully present a company in regional locations around the globe, International Management graduates must be qualified to lead multicultural teams. They must also have the flexibility to adapt to technological change and dynamic consumer preferences.

The curriculum of the Bachelor programme International Management has been specially designed for these tasks. The programme International Management combines solid basic knowledge with professional practice. The contents and structure of the areas of specialisation enable the students to quickly learn the ropes of numerous fields of activity in international business areas as well as in new fields of work. Specialist, methodical, and social skills are taught throughout the degree programme as part of the overall concept and are applied in several projects, during the internship and in the Bachelor's thesis. Modern simulation- and IT-tools are integrated in the entire programme. Competent visiting lecturers from partner universities and various companies provide a maximum of up-to-date lectures and optimally complement the practical relevance of the degree programme.

Moreover, International Management students are able to participate in the Double Degree programme of the Business School and obtain two Bachelor’s degrees within the standard period of study.

The following pages offer a brief overview and depict the structure. If you made your decision please refer to the application area.

For more specific information, we recommend consulting our International Management advisor, Prof. Dr. Rainer Wehner, Phone +49 931 3511-8836