The study shows that the novel rail system ELANS is both technically and economically feasible based on the knowledge gathered to date. ELANS thus represents an alternative to previous approaches to shifting road freight traffic to the railways. Moreover, it fulfills all the main measures proposed in the German government's "Freight Transport and Logistics Master Plan 2008" for
- Linking modes of transport
- Increasing the efficiency of traffic route use
- Separation of passneger and freight traffic
- Reduction of pollutant emissions
- Further development of transhipment technologies
in one approach.
The IAL focused on the following tasks:
Analysis of potential demand
Determining potential usage figures provides a basis for analyzing and calculating the feasibility of the ELANS system. These potential usage figures were obtained by measuring the traffic flows of long-distance toll traffic.
Profitability analysis
In the profitability analysis, selected important costing items were subjected to a sensitivity analysis to show how sensitively profitability reacts to changes in individual cost and revenue parameters. Other aspects of the analysis include a C02 study and the monetary savings for the federal government.
Acceptance survey of potential users
Since the feasibility of the project ultimately depends on the user acceptance, a survey was conducted. The results show that for the participating companies, the two greatest advantages of the project are planning security and cost benefits.
If you are interested in detailed results, please contact us at ial[at]
Im Rahmen der Machbarkeitsstudie konnten einige Überlegungen nicht weiter vertieft werden. Zu Diesen gehörten z. B. Möglichkeiten der Steigerung von Nachfragepotentialen oder auch eine höhere Streckenleistungsfähigkeit durch Anwendung alternativer technischer Methoden, die im damaligen Regelwerk für das öffentliche Schienennetz noch nicht gegeben waren.
Hierzu gab es von Seiten der Auftragsvergabe keine weiteren Nachfragen.