Experience reports
Podcast #BIMdannmalweg

You would like to spend a semester abroad, but don't know exactly which partner university you should choose? Well, then listen to our Business School Podcast #BIMdannmalweg to get some inspiration.
In each episode, students who spent one or more semesters abroad are interviewed and share their valuable experiences with us. This will give you an insight into the culture of their destination. You will get to know the partner university a little bit better and get helpful tips for your journey.
In addition to regular BIM (Bachelor International Management) or Business Administration students, international students from abroad are interviewed in English to provide linguistic and cultural variety. The contents of the episode can also be found in a transcribed and translated version, as we want to guarantee a barrier-free accessibility.
For specific questions or suggestions, you can always email us (bimdannmalweg.business@thws.de) or contact us via Instagram (@fwiwi.thws). We are looking forward to you! Enjoy the journey!
Intro episode
Podcast #BIM dann mal weg
Shownotes Intro episode
In this intro episode, Lara Yargiman, the "founder" of the podcast #BIMdannmalweg introduces herself. Here you can find out what led her to dedicate herself to this project and what her specific goals goals are. In this format, students talk about their semester abroad and tell you about the partner university, the cultural differences and the various leisure activities that you should not miss. This might make it easier for you to come to a decision when it's time to go abroad. Are you curious, eager to travel and open for new things? Then listen in! If you have any questions or feedback, you can reach us either via email (bimdannmalweg.fwiwi@thws.de) or via Instagram (@fwiwi.thws). Let's start the journey!
(Note: All episodes are available in an English translated and transcribed version by clicking on the episode #barrierfree)
Individual episodes
Episode | Date of publication | Higher education institution |
Finland - #BIMdannmalinFinnland | 05/2021 | LAB University |
Italy - #BIMdannmalinItalien | 06/2021 | University of Salerno |
Portugal - #BIMdannmalinPortugal | 06/2021 | ISCAL University |
Singapore - #BIMdannmalinSingapur | 07/2021 | Nanyang Polytechnic |
Jordan - #BIMdannmalinJordanien | 07/2021 | German-Jordanian University |
Taiwan - #BIMdannmalinTaiwan | 08/2021 | Shih Chien University |
Israel - #BIMdannmalinIsrael | 08/2021 | College of Management Academic Studies |
Czech Republic - #BIMdannmalinTschechien | 09/2021 | Unicorn College |
Netherlands - #BIMdannmalinGroningen | 10/2021 | Hanzehogeschool |
Spain - #BIMdannmalinBarcelona | 10/2021 | Tecnocampus |
USA - #BIMdannmalinSouthCarolina | 11/2021 | Anderson University |
USA and Taiwan- #BIMdannmalinKalifornienUndTaiwan | 11/2021 | San Diego State University / Shih-Chien University |
Columbia - #BIMdannmalinKolumbien | 01/2022 | Universidad Industrial de Santander |
Thailand - #BIMdannmalinThailand | 04/2022 | Rajamangala University of Technology (RMUTP) |
South Korea - #BIMdannmalinSüdkorea | 05/2022 | Konkuk University |
Spain - #BIMdannmalinSpanien | 06/2022 | UCAM – Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia |
Belgium - #BIMdannmalinBelgien | 07/2022 | Karel de Grote University |
Mexico - #BIMdannmalinMexiko | 10/2022 | Tecnológico de Monterrey |
Israel - #BIMdannmalinTelAviv | 11/2022 | Auslandspraktikum in Tel Aviv |
Germany - #BIMdannmalinWuerzburg | 01/2023 | Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt |
Australia - #BIMdannmalinAustralien | 02/2023 | ICMS - International College of Management Sydney |
Netherlands - #BIMdannmalinAmsterdam | 03/2023 | Auslandspraktikum in Amsterdam |
USA - #BIMdannmalinSantaBarbara | 04/2023 | University of California |
Luxembourg - #BIMdannmalinLuxemburg | 05/2023 | Auslandspraktikum in Luxemburg |
Written experience reports
You want to spend a semester abroad but do not yet know which partner university to choose? In this section, students share the experiences they made studying abroad, with the chosen partner university, the cultural differences encountered, and the various freetime activities you should not miss for anything. This section might help you make your decision as soon as it is time to start the journey!
Shih Chien and Unicorn Prague
Taiwan and Finland
Taiwan 2
Jordan SS2016
Konkuk University Seoul South Korea
Multimedia University Cyberjaya Malaysia
Nanyang Polytechnic Singapore
Find out more in the Europe Diaries on the website of the International Office (HSIN).