Master's programme International Business
Your master's programme International Business
The master's degree programme International Business with Regional Focus opens up possibilities in global business management. Learn how to make strategic decisions in an international context and to adopt it to certain markets. This programme is a general management education with a high practice orientation and a mandatory semester abroad. Our MBA programme educates managers for international companies and organisations of all sectors. The key characteristic of this programme is that students can choose between the focus regions Europe, Asia, or Latin America.
Contact persons
Prof. Dr. Artur Fabisch
Examination Committee for Business Administration (B.A.)
Programme Director of International Business (MBA)
Programme Advisor for International Business (MBA)
Examination Committee for Managing Global Dynamics (M.A.)

Prof. Dr. Christina Zecher
Programme Director of International Business (MBA)
Programme Advisor for International Business (MBA)
Examination Committee for Business Administration (B.A.)

Phone: +49 931 3511-6301
For further information, please refer to the website of the degree programme
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Standard time to degree
3 semesters
Start of studies
Annually in October, modular studies can also be commences in the summer semester
Number of places available
Ca. 25 per year
Place of study
Würzburg, Münzstraße 12 and Friedrichstraße 17a
Study fees
EUR 5,500 per semester plus ca. EUR 150 Studierendenwerk fees per semester (incl. public transport ticket)
Application period
All year
Bewerbungsschluss 31.07. für Studienstart 01.10 desselben Jahres.
Programme accreditation valid until 30 Sept 2028
Content and course of studies
Course of studies
The lectures take place in Würzburg, predominantly on Fridays and Saturdays. At the beginning of the 2nd semester (about March), students with the focus regions Asia or Latin America will spend about three weeks at one of the partner universities in Taiwan or Columbia respectively, and will complete one module there. Students with the focus region Europe will complete their module in Würzburg.
Programme structure
- 12 specialisation modules:
- Business Decisions
- Language Competence Europe / Asia / Latin America
- Intercultural Management
- Project Management
- Doing Business in and with Europe / Asia / Latin America
- Managing International Businesses
- Strategic Competences
- International Financial Management
- International Leadership
- Managing International Markets
- International Regulatory Frameworks
- Information Technology
- Master's thesis with colloquium
Special characteristics
- Small international groups of students
- High practice-relevance
- Specialisation on focus region with integrated stay abroad and integrated language training
- 2 integrated outdoor team trainings
- Grade average (N.C.) of the bachelor's of 2.9 or better
- Bachelor's degree of any discipline
- 210 CPs by the time of application and therefore commencement of studies
- Bridging courses may be considered
- At least one year of qualifying professional experience after obtaining the first degree
Language skills
- English at least B2-level (CEFR)
- German at least A1-level proven at least 12 months after commencement of studies
Graduates are enabled to work in multinational companies, international organisations, or consulting firms, with the option to specialise on certain regions or countries. Career perspectives include positions like international project management, business development management, export management, or trade management. During the course of studies, students develop extensive knowledge on the culture, and economy, and business practices of a specific geographical area, equipping students with valuable insights and skills for working in international contexts. Performing successful work in these contexts requires the ability to effectively communicate with global teams, to master intercultural challenges, and to tailor business strategies to the specific requirements of a certain region. Graduates of this programme thus face bright career perspectives in a globalised business world.
Study and examination regulations/ module descriptions/ study plan
1. Module Descriptions
2. Study- and Examination Regulations Master Programme International Business
Study- and Examination Regulations Master International Business
Study and Examination Regulations For the Advanced Training Master’s Programme International Business with Regional Focus
As of 18 June 2019
− Version includes the amendment of 24 October 2019 as well as
− the second amendment of 17 February 2021.
(Consolidated version)
Second Amendment To the Study and Examination Regulations for the Advanced Training Master’s Programme International Business with Regional Focus
As of 17 February 2021
1. Satzung zur Änderung der Studien- und Prüfungsordnung Master IB (24.10.2019)
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung Master IB (18.06.2019)
3. Study Plan Master International Business
Study Plan Master International Business summer term 2025
4. Module Studies
Modules available as module studies in the master's programme International Business