Bachelor's programme International Management

Your bachelor's programme International Management

The bachelor's degree programme in International Management offers a solid education in the field of business administration with a focus on international management. Not only do students develop extensive knowledge of marketing, finance, personnel management, and management, but also of intercultural management and international markets. The students' analytical skills are promoted in practice projects. International students also get to know the German culture and language, whereas German students are prepared for a career in international companies.

Contact person

Prof. Dr. Ansgar Ackva

Anca Maria Aicha

Prof. Dr. Vathsala Aithal

István Akács

Examination Committee for Specialised Translation
Examination Committee for Specialized Translation with Media Translation

Dr. Emin Akcaoglu

Dr. Esa Ala-Ruona

Prof. Dr. Abid Ali

Prof. Dr. Ralph-Christian Amthor

Prof. Dr. Bernd Ankenbrand

Hakan Arda

Prof. Dr. Tobias Aubele

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Aulbach

Dominik Aumüller

Prof. Dr. Christian Bachmeir

Dr. Maryam Bagheri

Prof. Dr. Björn Baltzer

Examination Committee for Managing Global Dynamics (M.A.)
Examination Committee for International Management (B.A.)
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Björn Baltzer

Prof. Dr. Arndt Balzer

Dr. Beatrice Barrois

Prof. Christoph Barth

Christine Barthruff-Nernosi

Dr. Karl Rudolf Bauchspieß

Dr. Karl Rudolf Bauchspieß

Prof. Dr. Christian Bauer

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Christian Baumgart

Prof. Dr. Stephanie Baumgarten

Deputy Dean
Head of THWS Business School ServicePoint
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Stephanie Baumgarten

Prof. Dr. Peter Baureis

Supervision Physics (WÜ)
Laser Protection Officer WÜ
Head of Physics Lab WÜ
Head of RF Modelling Lab
Building coordination FANG WÜ RöRi
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Peter Baureis

Fabian Bayer

Dr. Norbert Beck

Johannes Beckert

Prof. Dr. Jakob Emanuel Beer

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Gunther Benkert

Dr. Harald Berger

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Bergner

Diyar Berk

Prof. Dr. Oliver Bertsche

Prof. Dr. Markus Besenbeck

THWS Business School PR Officer
Examination Committee for Integrated Innovation Management (M.A.)
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Markus Besenbeck

Prof. Dr. Axel Bialek

Faculty Dean
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Axel Bialek

Prof. Dr. Anne Bick

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Biedermann

Prof. Dr. Markus Bier

Head of the Microscopic Modelling of Material Properties and Processes Lab
Faculty Council FANG
Examination Committee for Industrial Mathematics
Examination Committee for Applied Mathematics and Physics
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Markus Bier

Prof. Dr. Boris Bittner

Head of Optimization Lab
Head of Harmonic Analysis and Inverse Problems, Image Processing and Machine Learning Lab
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Boris Bittner

Prof. Dr. Mathias Blanz

Dr. Laura Blauth

Prof. Dr. Oliver Bletz-Siebert

Head of Risk Modelling, Simulation and Management Lab
Programme Director of Industrial Mathematics
Programme Director of Applied Mathematics and Physics
Examination Committee for Industrial Mathematics
Examination Committee for Applied Mathematics and Physics
Programme Committee for Applied Mathematics and Physics
Faculty Council FANG
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Oliver Bletz-Siebert

Prof. Dr. Thomas Blotevogel

Dr. Ulrike Bode-Wilke

Prof. Dr. Michael Bodewig

- Manager of the Lab for Programming and its Application in Mathematics
Programme Advisor for Industrial Mathematics
Programme Advisor for Applied Mathematics and Physics

Prof. Dr. Gunther Bohn

Prof. Dr. Harald Bolsinger

Nadja Bolvansky-Herbert

Prof. Andreas Bönte

Christian Böpple

Prof. Dr. Christoph Bördlein

Julia Börner

Prof. Dr. Dorit Borrmann

Sebastian Bottler

Prof. Dr. Peter Bradl

Head of IREM
PhD Coordinator (non-technical)
Programme advisor Bachelor Digital Rescue Management
Programme director Bachelor Digital Rescue Management
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Peter Bradl

Prof. Dr. Jörg Brake

Examination Committee for Logistics
Examination Committee for Logistik
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Jörg Brake

Julia Katharina Brakonier

Prof. Dr. Hermann Brandenburg

Prof. Dr. Bettina Brandenstein-Köth

Prof. Dr. Melanie Brandmeier

Prof. Dr. Peter Braun

Prof. Uli Braun

Prof. Dr. Volker Bräutigam

Sebastian Breitfelder

Prof. Dr. Peik Bremer

Head of Logistics Labs
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Peik Bremer

Dr. Bettina Brendel

Prof. Dr. Ansgar Brunn

Prof. Dr. Rainer Buchholz

Marius Bulla

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Bunsen

Dr.-Ing. Peter Burda

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Burda

Prof. Dr. Thilo Büsching

Examination Committee for Brand and Media Management (M.A.)
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Thilo Büsching

Prof. Dr. Robert Butscher

Programme Advisor for Business Analytics (B.A.)
Programme Director of Business Analytics (B.A.)
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Robert Butscher

Dr. Christian Butterhof

Fabian Büttner

Luca Cannava

Giorgia Cannizzaro

Prof. Dr. Notger Carl

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Juan Felipe Cerdas Marín

Albina Chafisuf

Renu Chaudhary

Pavel Chizhov

Prof. Dr. Ralf Christel

Prof. Dr. Frank Como-Zipfel

Harald Czycholl-Hoch

Prof. Petra Dankova

Prof. Dr. Marian Daun

Dr. Richard Davidson

Wouter de Regt

Wouter de Regt

Prof. Dr. Frank Deinzer

Dr. Rene Del Fabbro

Lisa Demar

Christian Derzapf

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Deutschle

Programme Director of Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (Bachelor)
Head of Digital Factory Lab
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Ulrich Deutschle

Ana Luz Diaz-López

Head of Computer-Aided Translation and Software Localization Lab
Profile picture  Ana Luz Diaz-López

Prof. Johanna Diehl

Dr. Matthias Diemer

Prof. Dr. Kai Diethelm

Supervision Mathematics (SW)
Supervision Informatics
Head of Scientific Computing Lab
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Kai Diethelm

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Albert Dischinger

Morteza Djebeli Sinaki

Dr.-Ing. Rodrigo Daniel do Carmo

Prof. Dr. Alexander Dobhan

Hannah Drenkard

Bernd Dreßel

Selma Dündar

Prof. Dr. Graeme Dunphy

Examination Committee for Specialised Translation
Examination Committee for Specialized Translation with Media Translation
Examination Committee UNIcert German
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Graeme Dunphy

Prof. Dr. Alexandra Dunz

Prof. Dr. Reinhold Dürr

Lars Eberhardt

Prof. Dr. Mark Eberspächer

Mariana Echeverry-Caballero

Dr. Klaus Eckert

Prof. Dr. Ludwig Eckert

Sonja Ehrenfels

Prof. Dr. Oliver Ehret

Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Eichhorn

Jasmin Eickholt

Dr. Alberto lb Einsteiner

Dr. Karsten Eirich

Felix Endres

Prof. Dr. Heinz Endres

Prof. Dr. Bastian Engelmann

Markus Engert

Markus Christoph Engert

Prof. Dr. Gernot Fabeck

Faculty Council FANG
Manager of the Lab for Stochastic Modelling and Data Analysis
Programme Director of Industrial Mathematics (English)
Examination Committee for Industrial Mathematics
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Gernot Fabeck

Prof. Dr. Artur Fabisch

Examination Committee for International Management (B.A.)
Examination Committee for Business Administration (B.A.)
Programme Director of International Business (MBA)
Programme Advisor for International Business (MBA)
Examination Committee for Managing Global Dynamics (M.A.)
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Artur Fabisch

Luisa Falkenstörfer

Afshin Farhadi

Prof. Dr. Parviz Farmanara

Internship Coordinator Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (Bachelor)
Internship Coordinator Business and Engineering
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Parviz Farmanara

Prof. Dr. Thomas Felsner

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fertig

Prof. Dr. Joachim Fetzer

Lars Fichtel

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Fiedler

Member of Disabled Staff Council
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Rudolf Fiedler

Stephanos Filippakis

Prof. Dr. Christian Fischer

Prof. Dr. Mario Fischer

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Fischer

Xenia Sophie Fischer

Prof. Dr. Achim Förster

Examination Committee for Media Management (B.A.)
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Achim Förster

Prof. Carl Frech

Prof. Claudia Frey

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Friedrich

Prof. Dr. Lutz Frühbrodt

Supervision Trade Journalism and Corporate Communications
Newsroom Management
Programme Director of Trade Journalism and Corporate Communications
Programme Advisor for Trade Journalism and Corporate Communications
Examination Committee for Trade Journalism and Corporate Communications
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Lutz Frühbrodt

Alexander Frühwald

Prof. Dr. Andreas Fuchs

Examination Committee for Brand and Media Management (M.A.)
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Andreas Fuchs

Fred Albert Fuchs

Adam Galas

Christian Galgenmüller

Prof. Dr. Birgit Gampl

Internship Coordinator Logistics
Internship Coordinator Logistik
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Birgit Gampl

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Gartzke

Dr. Sascha Genders

Michael Geyer

Sebastian Gielinger

Carolin Gläser

Prof. Judith Glaser

Dr. Peter Glöckner

Prof. Dr. Dietlind Gnuschke-Hauschild

Dr. Alex Goeßmann

Maria Amparo Gomez

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Miguel Gonzalez-Salazar

Prof. Dr. Arnd Gottschalk

Dean of Studies THWS Business School
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Arnd Gottschalk

Susanna Götz

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Robert Grebner

Dr. Klaus Gregor

Prof. Dr. Magda Gregorová

Tobias Haas

Christina Hackenschuh

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Halswick

Dr. Antje Hansen

Prof. Dr. Maike Hansen

Head of Language Centre
Examination Committee for General Electives (AWPF) (WÜ)
General Electives (AWPF) Committee
Examination Committee UNIcert Romance Languages
General Electives (AWPF) Organisation (WÜ)
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Maike Hansen

Prof. Dr. Jan Hansmann

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Häpp

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hartmann

Safoura Hashemishahraki

Prof. Stephan Häublein

Marcel Heilmann

Tilo Heimrich

Thiemo Hein

Prof. Dr. Steffen Heinzl

Prof. Dr. Reiner Hellbrück

David Henkelmann

Prof. Dr. Tanja Henking

Prof. Dr. Frank Hennermann

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mercedes Herranz Gracia

Prof. Dr. Rainer Herrler

Prof. Dr. Volker Herrmann

Prof. Dr. Ronald Herter

Examination Committee for Business Administration (B.A.)
Examination Committee for Integrated Innovation Management (M.A.)

Timo Alexander Hertlein

Marie Herz

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anne Heß

Valentin Heusinger

Prof. Dr. Julia Hiemer

Prof. Dr. Steffen Hillebrecht

Examination Committee for Media Management (B.A.)
Programme Advisor for Media Management (B.A.)
Programme Director of Media Management (B.A.)
Examination Committee for Business Analytics (B.A.)
Examination committee Bachelor Digital Rescue Management
Examination committee Bachelor Culinary and Wine Tourism
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Steffen Hillebrecht

Frank Hillgärtner

Head of Media Management Mac & Media Lab + PC-Pools
Profile picture  Frank Hillgärtner

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Hillmer

Jan Hinrichs

Prof. Dr. Rainer Hirn

Prof. Dr. Sonja Hofauer

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniel Hofer

Dennis Höfflin

Prof. Dr. Alexander Hofmann

Prof. Christian Hofmann

Gisela Hofmann

Dr. Martin Hofmann

Prof. Dr. Rolf Hollmann

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arnulf Hörtnagl

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hube

Head of 3D Printing Lab
Examination Committee for Integrated Innovation Management (M.A.)
Programme Advisor for Integrated Innovation Management (M.A.)
Programme Director of Integrated Innovation Management (M.A.)
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hube

Prof. Dr. Karsten Huffstadt

Sabine Hüther-Bräutigam

Prof. Dr. Hannes Huttelmaier

International Affairs Officer
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Hannes Huttelmaier

Dr. Toyomi Iwawaki-Riebel

Prof. Ansgar Jaeger

Katharina Jedamzik

Dr. Mirjam Jentschke

Prof. Dr. Isabel John

Prof. Dr. Daniel Jung

Prof. Dr. habil. Heike Jüngst

Head of Computer-Aided Translation and Software Localization Lab
Head of Interpreting Lab
Programme Director of Specialised Translation
Programme Director of Specialized Translation with Media Translation
Examination Committee for Specialised Translation
Examination Committee for Specialized Translation with Media Translation
Examination Committee for Trade Journalism and Corporate Communications
Faculty Council FANG
Profile picture Prof. Dr. habil. Heike Jüngst

Marcus Kaiser

Dr.-Ing. Benedikt Kämpgen

Matthias Karl

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henning Kasten

Prof. Dr. Tobias Kaupp

Prof. Dr. Andreas Keller

Head of Interpolation and Approximation with Splines Lab
Examination Committee for General Electives (AWPF) (WÜ)
Supervision Mathematics (WÜ)
Faculty Council FANG
General Electives (AWPF) Committee
Deputy Dean
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Andreas Keller

Daniel Keller

Dr. Patricia Kemmer

Prof. Dr. Joachim Kempkes

Prof. Patricia Kerres

Johanna Kestler

Prof. Dr. Alexander Kharitonov

Prof. Dr. Manfred Kiesel

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lisa Kiesewetter

Prof. Dr. Karsten Kilian

Programme Advisor for Brand and Media Management (M.A.)
Programme Director of Brand and Media Management (M.A.)
Examination Committee for Brand and Media Management (M.A.)
Examination Committee for International Management (B.A.)
Examination Committee for Managing Global Dynamics (M.A.)
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Karsten Kilian

Prof. Dr. Christian Kille

Programme Advisor for Business Administration (B.A.)
Programme Director of Business Administration (B.A.)
Examination Committee for Business Administration (B.A.)
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Christian Kille

Alex Kimmel

Internship Coordinator
Head of SAP-PC-Pool
Profile picture  Alex Kimmel

Prof. Dr. Tanja Kleibl

Prof. Dr. Marcus Klemm

Examination Committee for Brand and Media Management (M.A.)
Head of BehaVe Lab
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Marcus Klemm

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eva Klenk

Prof. Dr. Sabrina Klos

Dr. Katharina Kneer

Prof. Dr. Bernadette Kneidinger-Müller

Prof. Dr. Stefan Knoblach

Prof. Dr. Bernd Knobloch

Prof. Dr. Werner Kobmann

Prof. Dr. Maja Kobus

Examination Committee for General Electives (AWPF) (SW)
Supervision of Emission Control
Supervision Chemistry
Head of Photo Technology and Technical Photography Lab
Head of Phyisical Chemistry Lab
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Maja Kobus

Prof. Dr. Alma Kolleck

Robert Konrad

Dr. Tim Koslowski

Philipp Kranz

Prof. Dr. Christian Kraus

Dean of Studies FWI
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Christian Kraus

Prof. Dr. Christiane Kraus

Head of Technical Mathematics Lab

Maximilian Kraus

Andrea Kreiner-Wegener

Examination Committee UNIcert Romance Languages
Member of FHWS Senate
Profile picture  Andrea Kreiner-Wegener

Prof. Dr. Sylvia Kreiß

Dr. Udo Kremer

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Krückel

Prof. Dr. Gordana Krüger

Prof. Dr. Stefan Kühl

Christine Kuhn-Fleuchaus

Prof. Dr. Dieter Kulke

Prof. Dr. Walter Kullmann

Dr. Reinhold Küstner

Johannes Kuther

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Lackner

Prof. Dr. Stefan Lahme

Dieter Lambl

Silvio Lang

Dr. Volker Langhirt

Prof. Dr. Normen Langner

Prof. Dr. Helmut Laschütza

Leonie Laskowitz

Prof. Dr. Christoph Latour

Dr. Vera Latour

Course plan and schedule
General Electives (AWPF) Organisation (SW)
General Electives (AWPF) Committee
Examination Committee for General Electives (AWPF) (SW)

Prof. Dr. Hans Latz

Dr. Horst Lausch

Lisa Lehmann

Prof. Dr. Andreas Lehrmann

Prof. Dr. Jörn Leiber

Dr. Claudia Leikam

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Leitsch

Dual Studies Coordination
Coordination of Studies with Intensified Practice
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Sebastian Leitsch

Dr. Eleonore Lemmerich

Dr. Eleonore Lemmerich

Sophie Leuchtenberg

Prof. Dr. Norbert Lieb

Sebastian Liebetruth

Prof. Dr. Karl Liebstückel

Dr. Felix Liedel

Tsuting Lin

Dr. Daniela Lindner

Prof. Dr. Christopher Linsenmann

Head of lab for numerical optimization under PDE constraints
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Christopher Linsenmann

Prof. Dr. Rebecca Löbmann

Claudia Lopes Victorio

Women's Affairs Officer THWS Business School
Profile picture  Claudia Lopes Victorio

Prof. Dr. Henning Lorrmann

Prof. Dr. Florian Lotz

Dr. Roman Louban

Marco Lutz

Prof. Dr. Ronald Lutz

Ulrike Machalett-Gehring

Prof. Dr. Karsten Machholz

Abdelrahman Mahmoud

Simone Maier

Faculty Council FANG

Dr. Peter Mainka

Prof. Dr. Andreas Makowski

Head of Numerical Mathematics and Data Science Lab
Internship Coordinator for Industrial Mathematics
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Andreas Makowski

Dr. Christoph Malkmus

Dr. Jochen Manara

Dr. Jochen Manara

René Manger

Prof. Ulrich Mann

Julian Mantel

Prof. Dr. Stefan Mark

Head of MEMS Sensors/Actuators Lab
Examination Committee for General Electives (AWPF) (SW)
International Affairs Officer
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Stefan Mark

Prof. Dr. Markus Mathes

Prof. Andreas-Thomas Mayer

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Justus Medgenberg

Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Meier

Head of Web Programming Lab
Programme Director of Industrial Mathematics
Programme Committee for Applied Mathematics and Physics
Examination Committee for Industrial Mathematics
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Meier

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Pascal Meißner

Prof. Dr. Oleksandr Melnyk

Prof. Dr. Christian Menden

Lisa Mends

Prof. Dr. Gregor Mengelkamp

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Merkle

Frauke Mesenberg-Demel

Martin Meuser

Prof. Dr. Jean Meyer

Prof. Dr. Peter Meyer

Examination Committee for Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (Bachelor)
Examination Committee for Business and Engineering (Bachelor)
Examination Committee for Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (Master)
Examination Committee for Business with Europe
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Peter Meyer

Elizabeth Meyer-Urena

Seefried Michael

Thomas Michaelis

Senta Mill

Eddi Miller

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Missbach

Prof. Dr. Helge Möbus

Dorothea Moquete

Prof. Kilian Moritz

Examination Committee for General Electives (AWPF) (WÜ)
Examination Committee for Specialised Translation
Examination Committee for Specialized Translation with Media Translation
Profile picture Prof. Kilian Moritz

Prof. Dr. Christian Motzek

Head of Technical Physics Lab
Head of Nuclear Measurement Lab
Examination Committee for Applied Mathematics and Physics
Head of Multiphysics Simulation Lab
Faculty Council FANG
Radiation Safety Officer
FANG Web Coordination
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Christian Motzek

Mariola Muci

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian Mühlfeld

Prof. Dr. Tanja Mühling

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Müller

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jonas Müller

Examination Committee for Business Analytics (B.A.)
Examination committee Bachelor Digital Rescue Management
Examination Committee for Media Management (B.A.)
Examination committee Bachelor Culinary and Wine Tourism

Marcel Müller

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Müller

Prof. Dr. habil. Nicholas Müller

Dr. Rüdiger Müller

Prof. Dr. Udo Müller

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Müller de Vries

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Müller-Steinfahrt

Head of IAL
Head of Process Lab
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Ulrich Müller-Steinfahrt

Maximilian Münch

Dr. Reinhold Münster

Prof. Dr. Michael Müßig

Amir Narymany Shandy

Prof. Martin Naumann

Prof. Dr. Silke Neuderth

Prof. Stefan Niese

Prof. Gertrud Nolte

Prof. Dr. Rainer Nowak

Uri Yitzchak Noy Meir

Philipp Ockermann

Prof. Dr. Markus Oermann

Dr. David Oeser

Helge Olberding

Prof. Dr. Michael Olbricht

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Olbricht

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Pallasch

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Veselin Panshef

Jennifer Pappenheimer-Drewelies

Mansi Shrirang Patil

Prof. Dr. Johannes Paulus

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Pawellek

Prof. Dr. Alfred Pecher

Thomas Peters

Prof. Dr. Ingo Petzke

Katharina Pfeuffer

Tom Pfister

Johannes Platzer

Pavlo Ponomarov

Stefanie Popp

Jacqueline Poralla

Sebastian Raab

Prof. Dr. Ebrahim Rahimpour

Mahin Rahman

Prof. Dr. habil. Simone Rappel

Clemens Rauch

Prof. Dr. Hannah Reich

Mandy Maria Reinhard

Jana Reiter

Marcel Reith

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephanie Renner

Silvan Renz

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Retka

Peter Reuscher

Hannelore Rieger-Appel

Fabienne Riesel

Manuel Röder

Prof. Henning Rogge-Pott

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Melanie Rohde-Tibitanzl

Maximilian Rosilius

Prof. Dr. Ralf Roßkopf

Prof. André Rösler

Dr. Jeannine Rossow

Michael Rott

Prof. Dr. Andreas Rükgauer

Christina Rüttinger-Kirchner

Christian Sauer

Stefan Sauer

Veit Sauer

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Saueressig

Prof. Dr. Judith Saurer

Monika Schäfer

Faculty Council FANG

Patrizia Schäfer

Dr. Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fabian Scheller

Prof. Dr. Matthias Schicktanz

Head of lab for muncipal heat planning
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Matthias Schicktanz

Hendrik Schiefhauer

Prof. Dr. Andreas Schiffler

Prof. Dr. Rolf Schillinger

Prof. Dr. Alexander Schinner

Fabian Schirmer

Prof. Martin Schirmer

Prof. Dr. Rolf Schlachter

Prof. Dr. Frank-Michael Schleif

Prof. Dr. Ludwig Schlenk

Prof. Dr. Christian Schmidle

Prof. Dr. Norbert Schmidt

Programme Director of Logistik
Programme Director of Logistics
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Norbert Schmidt

Dr. Richard Schmidts

Anna-Maria Schmitt

Prof. Dr. Jan Schmitt

Natja Schmitt

Prof. Dr. Tabea Schmitt

Prof. Dr. Matthias Schneider

Dr. Reiner Schnettler

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Scholer

Dr. Sarah Schöllhammer

Prof. Erich Schöls

Eva Maria Scholtyssek

Examination Committee UNIcert German

Maximilian Schönau

Anselm Schöpf

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schormann

Toni Schott

Prof. Dr. Alexander Schraml

Prof. Dr. Stefan Schreiber

Dr.-Ing. Matthias Schreier

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Schreier

Malte Schroth

Prof. Dr. Marcus Schuck

Marcel Schuhmacher

Tim Schülein

Max Schuler

Prof. Dr. Marcus Schulz

Dr. Gunther Schunk

Andreas Schütz

Lena Schweizer

Prof. Gerhard Schweppenhäuser

Prof. Dr. Kurt Schwindl-Braun

Deputy Dean
Programme Director of Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (Master)
Head of SYSiDAT Lab
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Kurt Schwindl-Braun

Tobias Schwing

Michael Seefried

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Seifert

Philipp Seitz

Odile Seitz-Walser

Ronia Sengfelder

Jan Senner

Prof. Dr. Stefan Sesselmann

Examination Committee for Business Analytics (B.A.)
Examination committee Bachelor Digital Rescue Management
Examination Committee for Media Management (B.A.)
Examination committee Bachelor Culinary and Wine Tourism
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Stefan Sesselmann

Prof. Dr. Jochen Seufert

Supervision Physics (SW)
Laser Protection Officer SW
Head of Physics Lab SW
Head of Microsystem and Sensor Technology Lab
Head of Technical Optics Lab
Building coordination FANG SW
General Electives (AWPF) Committee
Examination Committee for General Electives (AWPF) (SW)
Examination Committee for Industrial Mathematics
Programme Director of Industrial Mathematics
Faculty Council FANG
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Jochen Seufert

Prof. Dr. Dominik Seuß

Dr. Hendrik Siegmund

Josua Sievers

Christos Slimistinos

Prof. Dr. Lukas Slotala

Dr. Witold-Marek Smolenski

Julia Sommer

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Sommer

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Sorge

Tobias Spengler

Prof. Dr. Jörg Spielfeld

Prof. Dr. Martin Spiertz

Dr. Margarete Spohn

Prof. Dr. Uwe Sponholz

Programme Director of Business with Europe
Head of VR Lab
Head of Creative Cube
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Uwe Sponholz

Prof. Dr. Elke Stadelmann

Programme Director of Business and Engineering (Bachelor)
Programme Advisor for Business and Engineering
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Elke Stadelmann

Thomas Stark

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerald Steinmann

Prof. Dr. Alexander Steinmetz

Examination Committee for International Business (MBA)
Examination Committee for Business Analytics (B.A.)
Examination committee Bachelor Digital Rescue Management
Examination Committee for Media Management (B.A.)
Examination committee Bachelor Culinary and Wine Tourism
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Alexander Steinmetz

Dr. Florian Gernot Stickler

Prof. Dr. Patrik Stilgenbauer

Head of Measurement Data Analysis Lab
Examination Committee for Trade Journalism and Corporate Communications
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Patrik Stilgenbauer

Prof. Dr. Martin Storath

Head of Mathematical Methods for Computer Vision and Machine Learning Lab
Dean of Studies FANG
Faculty Council FANG
Coordination of the Marketing Working Group
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Martin Storath

Prof. Dr. Norbert Strobel

Prof. Runa Strott

Marvin Studtrucker

Prof. Dr. Michael Sturm

Newsroom Management
Building coordination FANG WÜ
Examination Committee for Trade Journalism and Corporate Communications
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Michael Sturm

Gumporn Supasettaysa

Sebastian Taege

Muhammad Zeeshan Tahir

Kranthi Kumar Talluri

Deniz Targitay

Prof. Dr. Vera Taube

Marvin Tessitore

Cynthia Thornberry Rivas

Prof. Dr. Nicolas Tiesler

Dr. Özge Tomruk

Prof. Dr. Holger Truckenbrodt

Prof. Hans-Benno Ulbrich

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Ulbrich

Michele Ullerich

Prof. Dr. Oliver Unger

Examination Committee for Business Analytics (B.A.)
Examination committee Bachelor Digital Rescue Management
Examination Committee for Media Management (B.A.)
Examination committee Bachelor Culinary and Wine Tourism
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Oliver Unger

Prof. Dr. Dagmar Unz

Examination Committee for Media Management (B.A.)
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Dagmar Unz

Hanna Usbeck-Frei

Jan Richard Vahrenhold

Philipp Väth

Prof. Dr. Alexander Versch

Prof. Dr. Mark Vetter

Stephan Vidi

Bastian Vobig

David Voellner

Prof. Dr. Cord-Christoph Vogt

Dr. Melanie Voigt

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dorothea Voitländer

Prof. Dr. Christina Völkl-Wolf

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Volz

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Voß

Examination Committee for Business Administration (B.A.)
Examination Committee for International Business (MBA)
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Ulrich Voß

Prof. Dr. Richard Wagner

Vincent Wahyudi

Prof. Dr. Holger Walter

Head of Light Scattering Analysis and Simulation Lab
Programme Director of Applied Mathematics and Physics
Programme Committee for Applied Mathematics and Physics
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Holger Walter

Prof. Dr. Michaela Walter

Women’s Affairs Officer FWI
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Michaela Walter

Prof. Dr. Sven Warnke

Monika Waschik

Beate Wassermann

Head of Interpreting Lab
Supervision English (WÜ)
Programme Coordinator for Specialised Translation
Programme Coordinator for Specialized Translation with Media Translation
Faculty Council FANG
Internship Coordinator for Specialised Translation
Programme Advisor for Specialized Translation with Media Translation
Programme Advisor for Specialised Translation
Examination Committee UNIcert Romance Languages
Profile picture  Beate Wassermann

Prof. Dr. Angelika Weber

Prof. Dr. Kristin Weber

Sonja Weber

Prof. Dr. Eva Wedlich

Prof. Dr. Christine Wegerich

Examination Committee for Integrated Innovation Management (M.A.)
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Christine Wegerich

Prof. Dr. Rainer Wehner

Double Degree Coordinator
Programme Director of Managing Global Dynamics (M.A.)
Programme Advisor for Managing Global Dynamics (M.A.)
Examination Committee for Managing Global Dynamics (M.A.)
Programme Advisor for International Management (B.A.)
Programme Director of International Management (B.A.)
Examination Committee for International Management (B.A.)
THWS Business School Event Management
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Rainer Wehner

Sebastian Weickert

Eva-Maria Weiß

Stephan Weismann

Prof. Dr. Carmen Weith

Prof. Jürgen Weith

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anatoli Wellhöfer

Niklas Weng

Prof. Dr. Daniela Wenzel

Max Werner

Prof. Dr. Andreas Wertgen

Prof. Dr. Matthias Wieser

Markus Wilhelm

Prof. Dr. Winfried Wilke

Prof. Dr. Jan Wilkening

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Willert

Prof. Dr. Georg Wimmer

Head of Numerical Simulation Lab
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Georg Wimmer

Prof. Dr. Tristan Wimmer

Dominik Winkler

Prof. Dr. Theresia Wintergerst

Dr.-Ing. Isabell Wirth

Andreas Wist

Stefanie Witter

Florian Wittmeier

Dr. Rebecca Wolff

Prof. Dr. Thomas Wosch

Prof. Dr. Achim Wübker

Head of Simulation and Prognosis Lab
Examination Committee for General Electives (AWPF) (WÜ)
Faculty Council FANG

Prof. Dr. Claudia Wunderlich

Head of Computer-based Language Research and Corpus Linguistics Lab
Examination Committee UNIcert German
Supervision Language Electives
Supervision English (SW)

Dr. Guido Wüstenhagen

Prof. Dr. Ivan Yamshchikov

Prof. Karl Zankl

Prof. Dr. Christina Zecher

Examination Committee for International Business (MBA)
Programme Director of International Business (MBA)
Programme Advisor for International Business (MBA)
Examination Committee for Business Administration (B.A.)
Profile picture Prof. Dr. Christina Zecher

Dr. Andreas Ziegler

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Ziegler

Christine Zilker

Prof. Dr. Markus Zink

Matthias Zipf

Prof. Dr. Christian Zirkelbach

Examination Committee for Applied Mathematics and Physics

For further information, please refer to the website of the degree programme



Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Standard time to degree

7 semesters (until THWS degree)

Start of studies

Annually in October

Number of places available

60 per year

Place of studies

Würzburg, Münzstraße 12 and other

Type of programme, and language

Full-time programme with English as the language of instruction

Study fees


Application period

Annually from 1 May through 15 July

(If you want to start your studies in a higher semester, you may also apply by 15 January.)


Programme accreditation valid until 30 Sept 2029

German Decision of the Accreditation Council

Course of studies

The degree programme International Management takes 7 semesters. After successful graduation, the degree Bachelor of International Management is awarded. During the first three semesters, students develop basic understanding of international management, e.g. balancing, personnel management, and financing. Starting from the third semester, students can choose one of these three options:

  • They can spend one or two semesters at one of our partner universities.
  • They can go abroad in the 5th semester to complete their internship with an international company.
  • They stay at THWS.

The study achievements completed at a partner university, are assessed by THWS and usually transferred. For the 6th and 7th semester, students deepen their theoretical and practical knowledge two specialisation areas. They also draw up their bachelor's thesis.

Programme structure (THWS degree)

  • 1st through 4th semester: general business foundations
  • 5th semester: company internship
  • 6th semester: two specialisations (part 1)
  • 7th semester: two specialisations (part 2)
  • Bachelor's thesis incl. bachelor's seminar

Programme structure (double degree)

Bewerbung während der ersten zwei Semester
Besonderheit: zwei Semester werden an einer Partnerhochschule abgelegt

  • 1st through 4th semester: general business foundations
  • 3th through 4th semester: studies at a partner university abroad
  • 5th semester: company internship
  • 6th semester: two specialisations (part 1)
  • 7th semester: two specialisations (part 2)
  • Bachelor's thesis incl. bachelor's seminar

Special characteristics

  • International lecturers and students
  • Opportunity to obtain two bachelor's degrees (double degree programme)

  • General higher education qualification (Abitur), advanced technical college certificate (Fachabitur), bachelor's degree, or comparable non-German higher education entrance qualification
  • English skills
  • German skills on an A2-level
  • Admission restricted (N.C.)

Graduates are enabled to work in multinational companies, international organisations, or consulting firms. Potential career fields include global marketing, international finance, project management, and business development. Especially management positions with global responsibilities or starting one's own company in an international context are among the attractive career perspectives. International management graduates are characterised by the ability to understand different cultures, to master intercultural communication, and to analyse global business trends. The globalisation of the economy creates high demand in specialists who are able to successfully implement business strategies in an international environment.

Study and examination regulations/ module descriptions/ study plan

1. Module Descriptions Bachelor International Management

2. Study- and Examination Regulations (only in German)

3. Studyplan Bachelor International Management

Studyplan Bachelor International Management summer term 2025

4. Training plan for the internship period

Training Plan Internship (german only)