
Application process

As the places for the Intercultural Summer School are limited to 20 please apply as soon as possible by using the following registration form. The sooner you know that you are accepted, the earlier you can look for a plane ticket.

The application deadline is: July 1st, 2024


Accepted applicants will be provided specific instructions on how to transfer the enrolment and course fee. The proof of the payment of the enrolment fee is the confirmation of your place in the programme. Please make sure that the payment is free of any bank charges for the recipient of your transfer.

The programme fee of € 1.100 is split into two payments:

  1. Enrolment fee € 600, (this payment saves your place in the programme), non-refundable
  2. Remaining fee of € 500 is to be paid until July 1st, 2024

If you need further information please contact[at]

Summer school registration

Registration is closed since all places are currently taken. If further places will be available, the registration will be reopened.